Election (2005) Directed by Johnnie To
Election (2005) Directed by Johnnie To MahJong: Kids, us adults gotta talk! Photography: A+ Music: A+ Tom Hanks: Played by Simon Yam! Lok, You’ve been elected: Thank you, Uncle Mochi! Screw Big D!: I lost his money on a soccer game. “Boss, sober up.” “I am sober.” “Is it day or night now?” -Jimmy (Jimmy is an important character. I have no idea who he is. Played by Louis Koo. We’ll see more of him in the sequel.) Corncob pipe: check! The Dragonhead Baton: Is over 100 years old! Long Gun; Sonny; Big D; Jet; Four-eyes; Whistle; Fish-Head; Big-Head; Sparky; Double-Dog; Dead-Dog; East; Corky; Long-Hair; Dinosaur. All gangster movies should be careful to provide their characters with colorful names: This one does! I’m going by the rules: Watch out! The baton: Is in China! Dragonhead Baton: My predecessor was a messy guy! We had to clean the baton with insecticide! I said don’t cause trouble: Saves the day! Police: All we ask for is a balance of power; Peace and prosperity! The last time we ...