Election 2, a.k.a. Triad Election. Directed by Johnnie To

 Election 2, The Sequel Directed by Johnnie To

A lot of Hong Kong gangster business takes place: At the urinal!

Mr. Soc is in trouble: In 2 days!

I promise to make you : The next Godfather!

Smoking dope in the dressing room: There’s no way out!

You are welcome in China as a tourist, but you can’t do business here!: Chairmen Only!

Have a nice rest: In Hong Kong!

One penny less: You’re dead!

More fishing!

More Chinese corruption!

More Marlborough Lights!

Tom Hanks: Played by Simon Yam!

“They call the Rising Sun!”: Hong Kong nightclub scenes never get old!

The Dragonhead Baton: Is back!

Bow out gracefully: Anything else will mean death!

‘U’ is for Uncle Teng: Who fell down the stairs!

World’s Prettiest Girl: Tries to off the hitman with a shortdog.

Now we’re: Chaining people to dogs.

Will you help Jimmy?: Dog food!

Jimmy, swear you didn’t kill Lok: Call me if you need anything!

From now on, the leadership will stay in your family!: I don’t want to be a gangster!

I’m pregnant!

More conventionally structured than the first one, but not shy about portraying corruption in the Mainland Chinese Police. Johnnie To worries less about China than American film studios. You have to admire balls during the rare times you come across them.

Check it out!


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