Spidey-Man: Into the Cartoon Spidey-Verse! LR LM+
Spidey-Man: Into the Cartoon Spidey-Verse! Bitten by a spider: 10 years ago! Your shoe's untied: I know! Everyone knows: It's a puberty thing! Spiderless Brooklyn: They're everywhere! Spidey is Dead! Long live Spidey! In case of fire: Use the stairs! 22 years ago: I was bitten by a spider! Homeless corpse: He's got a bagel! Hot Chick with a Shave Undercut Spidey-Fu; Porky Pig Spidey-Fu; Kawaii Shibuya Girl Spidey-Fu; Sam Spade Spidey-Fu; Anguished Metrosexual Spidey-Fu. A leap of faith: Chrysalis! Rapping Spidey: Does the Flagpole Whirl! Gets a little confusing towards the end -- apparently the animation team dropped acid (I mean that in a good, Loony Tune-ish way) -- but easily the best superhero movie ever made. Surpasses even Lego Batman. A strong contender for best picture of 2018. Check it out.