=+Hands on the Hardbody LM+
Hands on a Hardbody
Eat something heavy: It's gonna take you down...
It's like a movie I saw: Highlander.
She started laughing. She said: Holy Ghost!
Norma may surprise me: She's a little bit spiritual.
Thirty-seven hours: Have you always smoked non-filters?
Our judges are: Strictly volunteers.
I'd compare it to: Killing a deer.
Our god is an awesome god: Dance 'til it comes.
I have no idea if this documentary is known outside of Texas, but at one time it had a cult following here, especially among poker players. I can remember guys in their 50s and 60s, who probably had never owned a social security number, sitting around the table and talking about the reads they had picked up watching it. If you have a chance to, check it out.
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