Hahaha, the title of the movie has been censored. Click the link. Or don't.
My God! it even killed the link! This is too good! We'll try it this way...
Kemilla: steals your heart.
L.A. Noire: check.
Car wash karaoke: check.
Disco shoe store: check.
Chicks dig: R & B.
It's raining: shoes.
Cinematography: beautiful.
Length: 94 minutes.
I liked: 88 minutes.
JFC people, listen up. If you want to make a movie, DO NOT come up with a premise. Come up with an ENDING, and then work backwards so you can lead up to it. Nobody cares about the premise. You have to tell a story.
I sat in the movie, and I was getting interested in what was going on, and I was interested in the characters and who they were, and then somebody on the set said, "Hey, we're at 90 minutes! Time to go! We'll tack some weird **** on the end that'll tug at the heartstrings and we're outta here!"
GMAFB! Go listen to some Flip Wilson records and note how he tells a story. Or maybe watch some old Twilight Zone.
I'd say wait for TV on this one, but instead I think I'll have them pull the movie and refilm the ending.
In the meantime, the forum will read The Gangster We Are All Looking For, and will then write the author a fan letter.
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