Joker LM LR


You: Complete me.

I'd give it up: In a heartbeat.

Hey Arthur: You're a really good clown.

Music: Like a toothache.

Let's use public transportation: Send in the clowns!

I walked into: Such a sad time at the station!

As I walked out: Felt my own need just beginning!

Homicide: Dance therapy.

No more: Incel.

"Gotham has lost its way!": Donald J. Baldwin.

Off his meds: Jimmy Durante.

Are you available: Next Thursday?

A boy's best friend: Is his mother.

Let's use public transportation(redux): French Connection!

I walked into: Such a sad time at the station!

As I walked out: Felt my own need just beginning!

More dance therapy: check.

Now: I'm the Joker!

More dance therapy: check.

Here's: Johnny!

Visually interesting. Compelling unrelenting music. Bears no relationship to anything I've read about it. Had my backpack checked entering the lobby. Joaquin Phoenix! Check it out!


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